Sunday, March 19, 2006

we're here!!!

I'm in New Orleans! Can you believe it? Well, the flight and all that jazz was good. A little fog in Denver but nothing to worry about. I had a really short layover so I am so glad there were no delays. We ate and hung out in the airport until about 6:30 or so then got shuttled over to Light City.
One of the minivans in our caravan got pulled over on the way there. He got a ticket for running a red light and no proof of registration. I have one word-heinous. First off, he's a volunteer relief worker for goodness sake. And the registration is the fault of the rental company. running a red light? ok, all the lights are out and there are stop signs everywhere. Like every telephone pole. So, you want him to stop for absolutely no reason? Ok what about every other person who ran that too. whew, I'll stop ranting now...
Driving around was pretty crazy though. The area is kinda ghetto but everything is such a mess that it doesn't even matter. There are piles of debris that have been there for what looks like forever. No one is doing a thing to clean it up. And so it just sits there in front of a sad looking house. The houses themselves are marked with spray paint. Its a big X to label that its been searched. The top of the X is the date searched. On the right, people found. Left, animals found. And bottom, number of bodies found. It gives me the chills. Its such a desperate situation; I can't even imagine it six months ago.
Light City is pretty incredible. To get to the girls warehouse, you walk through what used to be a Subway that has been turned into first aid supplies, cell phone charging wall, and general hang out area. Then through the screen, its girls only. And its this HUGE warehouse of hundreds of cots; its overwhelming. There are students from everywhere. The whole thing is just indescribable.
Showering in those tents is interesting to say the least. And very, very cold. Oh, and I forgot my toothbrush. how pathetic.