Thursday, March 23, 2006

the best night EVER

So when I said we were going out for dessert, I never expected this much of a memory filled night. It was probably the highlight of the trip. hmm...where to start?
Well, first off it was just the six of us going to the French Quarter. We got lost, of course. That seems to be a reoccuring pattern with this crew. Anyways, it was a good lost because we drove by the Superdome! Kinda freaky. Since it looks like an alien spacecraft. And all the news reports that everyone has seen from there. But one of the service doors had been left open. We could see in to the field. Pretty crazy. All the stands have been sealed off. There was a truck on the field in front of the field goal posts and a bunch of stuff on the ground. Couldn't really make out what it was but I'm guessing garbage. It was insane; its history!
So this time we refuse to pay for parking and end up at the very opposite end of the French Market. On our little walk, T finds a market with an atm sign. Multiple people need cash, so we stop by. Now this place gave me a sketch vibe. But it was actually alright. Most likely its one of those places that very few white people walk into, and here are six of us. And this guy comes up to us. And starts singing.
He's kinda talkin to each one of us saying he's James Brown, looks at me, and says, "You Chinese?"
I hesitate and say, "Uh, no."
"No? You're black!"
And he just has the most infectious laugh. Then he's shaking my hand, tellin me about Katrina, about his seven kids and eighteen grandchildren, going to Vietnam twice, how he's the security guard with the badge and deputy sheriff because of the medallion. Most of it, I can't understand but just respond with "wow" or "really?"
Then he asks our names.
"I've got a granddaughter named T. I'm Dr. Turner. I'm a doctor ya see, cuz if ya come to me wit a broken leg, I'll take this here golf club and break your otha leg!"
Next- "I've got a granddaughter named Kim. I'm Dr. Love"
To one of the guys- "I've got a daughter named B."
The other guy- "I've got a son named M."
How appropriate that he switched it too. It just made it that much more funny. Then he asks, "Where ya'll from?"
Our team- "California"
Dr. Love- "Ya'll from California!?!" Pulls out a pen. "If ya'll from California, then I want ya'll to sign my jacket!"
So what do we do? sign his jacket of course! It was insane. Then he starts singing and dancing for us. Did I mention he told us he's sixty-three? And he starts asking us how old we are. Jokes around about us being 25. We get a picture with him. Then we finally left with him telling us to have a great time in his city and not drink tequila because we'll turn out ugly like him. We all look at one another and just start laughing. That story will never get old. The quotes will never lose their humor or flavor.
But that was just the beginning. We get to Cafe Du Monde for beignets. And the waiter takes a liking to our table and stops by every once in a while to tell us a joke.
"After Katrina hit, there were ten men and one lady stuck on the roof of a house. A helicopter finally comes to rescue them. The gentlemen let the woman scurry up the ladder first. All eleven of them get on and the pilot can't hold all the weight. So he says one person has got to stay behind and wait for the next trip. The lady says, 'I'm used to sacrificing for my family and my husband so I will sacrifice and take care of ya'll.' All the guys start clapping."
"I was visiting a farmer friend last week and saw a pig with a wooden leg. So I asked him, 'Why does that pig have a wooden leg?' My friend says, 'Well a week ago, the barn caught fire and my prize cow was trapped inside. That pig goes in and saves my best cow. That is a fine pig.' I reply, 'Yes, that is a great pig. You still didn't tell me about the wooden leg. Farmer says, "Last week I was out fishing in the Bayou when a gator tipped me over. And you know how scared of gators I am. But that pig jumps in the water and pulls me out by the collar. That pig saved my life, mighty fine pig.' Again I say, 'Yes, fine pig. But why the wooden leg?' He says, 'The wooden leg? Oh, you see, a pig that can't eat him all at once.'"
It really was a great fun time. I can't do it justice now. But ya'll have to trust me. And its pronounced Nah-lens. In case you were wondering. As we were leaving, K and I were waiting for the rest of the crew, and the waiter comes over with some advice. "If ya'll are goin to Bourbon St. just remember locals don't go down there. Have you been there? Its all trash. But if you go just remember not to get drunk to get drunk. You see, some people drink to have fun and others drink to get drunk. But I see a problem with that because then they lose it. Well, thanks for visiting us here in Nahlins and enjoy your evening."
Yes, he just seriously rambled off all that grandfatherly advice to us. It was classic.
But the night doesn't end there. We walked around. Listened to some jazz bands from the street on Bourbon St. since they card everywhere. Found this nice little cafe. It was nice because you didn't have to be 21 to sit down. And there was a jazz band playing. Thats were I took the picture of the lights, very fairytale appearance. B had more beignets because they were supposed to be better than Cafe Du Monde. On our walk back to the minivan, M stopped at a little whole in the wall mart for sodas for the security guards since we were out passed curfew. Only this crazy hyper little girl was passing out "lucky beans." Very adamant about it too. Then the other girls try crawdads. Completely random.
When we got back to camp, everyone is huddled around the television and cameras that were set up during dinner. Anderson Cooper showed up and did a live CNN broadcast from Light City! Isn't that ridiculous? I had never heard of him before but supposedly hes got the biggest primtime show on CNN these days. I called my mom since it was only 8:30 at home and told her to watch. Hopefully, she can get to see us or at least where we are staying. It was really funny when someone would come up and ask what was going on. Because the next thing they would say is, "oh, I gotta call my parents." It was the funniest thing. K and I stood on a chair in the back for almost an hour. And it was windy so I constantly felt like I was gonna blow over or something. But we used B and M as extra support. At the very end, Cooper took all the college sweatshirts and read the names. And he said Cal Poly on national television. Wow, I still can't believe it.
Nothing about this post can even compare to the actual night. It was the greatest.