Thursday, March 23, 2006

day four

Last night was interesting. We took eight people in our van. Paid an outrageous amount of money for parking. Walked Bourbon St. Its sad how depraved our society has become. But it is one of those once in a lifetime experiences. Being in the French Quarter that is. I am just disturbed by the fact that people actually walk into those places. Maybe they can't read or something. Ok, I realize that was weak, not funny. My mind just cannot wrap itself around the concept. Maybe, they just aren't in tune with their conscience. Anyways, we got dinner and ran into some girls from Kansas staying in Light City. After eating, we walked around pretending to not be lost. Finally found Cafe Du Monde and had beignets(pronounced been-yay s). They are these French pastry doughnuts. With a ton of powdered sugar on top. I don't buy into all the hype, but they are still yummy. On our way back to the parking lot, we stopped for a tourist moment and saw the Mississippi. It was very unique lighting with the water and the rocks. It brought out the photographer in me. So I have lots of random pics of dark water and subway rails.
Breakfast was less than spectacular this morning. Nutrigrain bars don't last very long. hunger-wise. We skipped morning meeting again to get over to our house. Our team just jumped right in to all the work. Tore down the walls in the family room and the rest of the bathroom. When I was getting the last bits of sheetrock above the bathroom window, I pulled myslf up in the rafters and tried to knock down the ceiling in the family room. I made a good size hole and was pushing all the insulation down except it was double layered sheetrock and had boards everywhere. I think they were supporting this humungous house vent thing. Supposedly it pulls out all the air in the entire house and is strong enough to break a window if one of them isn't left open. Weird but after all that effort to get in the attic it was lunchtime, and I had to get down.
Lunch was quite an interesting story. We drove over to Lowe's since its on the closer side of town. Everyone is there. So are all the roach coaches. We got two tacos for five dollars. Out of a minivan. I still can't believe I did that. So many things about this trip that my mother would disapprove of. But the guy was really funny and his accent made the whole thing better. He was shouting, "Tacos, tacos, come get your tacos." So we walk up to him and he says, "Go talk to my wife. She will take care of you." Then she starts pulling out all the food and putting them together. Talking to us the entire time of course. "I have two boys, bigger than I am. They eat me out of house and home." Then the husband comes over and goes, "My wife. She's a good cook. You don't get this fat from bad food" All the while rubbing his belly. It was classic. My only regret is not getting a picture. "Everyday. We're here. Eleven to one or two. Whenever we run out of food!"
And guess what? We finished the house. I knew we could do it. When we got back, we tore down the kitchen ceiling and the walls in the living room. We left the ceiling up in there since it hadn't been damaged by the water. Since it was vaulted it could have been dangerous trying to kick it down. The pile out front has grown so much. You wouldn't think a house has that much stuff in it. A garbage truck stopped by one time. They took one piece of metal. Yeah, thanks. For all that help FEMA. The red tape leaves me speechless.
Dinner was breaded fish(like a big fishstick) plus this mushy carrot green bean mixture. But we're getting ready to go out for yummy dessert. While we were eating this news crew came and set up camera equipment. Very interesting.