Friday, March 24, 2006

well, its over

I'm home. Fortunately or unfortunately. Its nice yet bittersweet. I am going to miss everything about New Orleans. My team. The people. The food. Light City. Gutting houses. Down to the minutest detail. It was an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Maybe the best week of my life. Even though, it wasn't specifically a missions trip or even a "Crusade" thing, God was totally evident in everything. Just the fact that we were fed by donation only is a testament to His faithfulness. And it wasn't four-star but our needs were met. I never went hungry even though it was probably the smallest amount of food I've eaten in a week for all that work. One of my greatest concerns even deciding to go on this trip was catching up on sleep and rest. God came and met that need too. We had long, work intensive days but I never felt sleepy. I actually got full nights sleep plus almost every night. I shouldn't be amazed at this, but it just cool to see happen before my own eyes.
Now, I'm glad mom is asleep so she doesn't hear about my foot. I checked my grades. ugh. Lowest ever but not on ap. hallelujah. I can't believe its over. All I've got left are some great memories, funny stories, a few pictures, probably a scar, that t-shirt, and a new perspective on life.