Saturday, March 18, 2006

finished packing...

I went snowboarding with the boys today. Conditions were decent. It was pretty warm so the snow was sticky for the first time this season. Well, actually it wasn't warm now that I think about it because it snowed most of the day. I guess sunny is a better descriptive term. Snowboarding was fun though. Only fell once and got stuck multiple times. My excuse is not enough inertia to get over those hills which isn't a bad thing. Having more mass that is. Anyways, I'm jealous that my dad has gotten better than me. So not cool. But we had a great time. All those little ski/board school kids are so funny. I'm going along and all of the sudden a bunch of them shoot out of nowhere like little cannonballs. But we got back early for dinner with grandma and now I hope I'm all ready for New Orleans because I am going to bed since my flight is early in the am.