Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Valenttines Day, otherwise fondly known as Single Awareness Day to my roommates. Then there's me, very comfortable being single. The day started off very hectic. But tonight was fun. FBCSLO college group organized a video scavenger hunt. So I went with one of my roomies. We got split up into different teams but that was a good thing. The list was pretty crazy: hug a police officer(they weren't down with that one), sound a siren, propose to someone, serenade a couple, create a pyramid in front of a downtown fish(which have all been auctioned off, but we improvised), toss pizza dough, pump someone's gas(we walked up to these two girls and they drove off, too bad it wasn't on video), do a good deed(clean the windshield, oh yeah), and find the oldest romance movie. Watching the videos was the best though. My roommates team was hilarious beyond words. They finished really fast and continued to film a bunch of randomness. Those were some good times...