Tuesday, February 14, 2006

children's ministry

So, I started working with the kindergarten Sunday school class at church. It was so much fun. I was really nervous trying this new thing-showing up for prayer, first service, and children's ministry- all by myself! But one of the interns was really friendly and eased my nerves. The kids were so adorable. Their smiles just bring joy to my heart. Each kid just latches on to whomever is paying attention to them. It makes you feel accepted as you are. This one little guy tried to lick me so I could see how his tongue hurt. Then during recess, two of the kids were picking out pieces of colored bark from the playground and gave them to me as treasures. How cute! When Sunday school first started we went upstairs to worship. The teacher had them line up and asked some questions about why we should worship. Part of the conversation went like this...
Teacher- "Is anything bigger than God?"
Boy- "NO!"
Girl- "A house!"
Teacher- "No, God is even bigger than a house. He can't be contained in anything."
Girl- "Oh...wow..."
Aren't they the cutest ever?! I'm just glad I don't have kids because two hours is about the max I can take. But their simple child-like faith is to be admired. Actually, that is something I desire the most. Wow, these little ones can teach me too!