Sunday, October 29, 2006

the pursuit of our pursuing God

Fall Retreat 06. Hume Lake. October 27-29. Simply amazing. The location, the speaker, the worship, the presence of God, and the people. I got up there late due to class until 4, blah, and unfortunately missed the Friday night message. Everything else was wonderful. I got to lead a Dgroup which was a great change from processing. The timing was so perfect, that I could deal with things during our weekend away. PTL that I don't have a ton of homework. So, I am gonna jot down a few things that stuck out to me...
  • Saturday am
    • God has already initiated with us: thank goodness too. This is where I have been so frustrated with friendships. If I am always the one starting conversation and initiating hang out time, does this person really enjoy being with me? But God always extends Himself to us first. The perfect friend in every way. Yet, I look to friends and as humans they always disappoint. And I let them down. Alot.
    • Acts 2:42-47
  • Saturday pm
    • Ephesians 6:23&24
    • Revelation 2:1-7
    • Does it matter to God if my heart beats a little bit faster when I think of Him? YES! And I pray that it would be so every moment of my entire life.
    • 1 Corinthians 16:22
    • Remember when you first learned the reality that God was pursuing you: Jim Elliot interview. Was God far away from you? Or were you far away from God?
    • Repent. What is keeping you separated from God?
    • Do the things you used to do when you felt the things you used to feel about Him.
    • Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.
  • Women's time
    • Hosea 2:14-17, 19&20
    • Steals: us away from distractions. Allure. The God of the universe wants to spend quality one-on-one time with us.
    • Reclaims: choose to call the Lord "my husband." He is so worthy of it.
    • Restores: you shall know the Lord. The way a husband and wife know one another. Betrothed means to woe a virgin. But our hearts are far from pure and chaste. We are the brides of Jesus no matter our relationship status.
    • Come broken and empty to find redemption.
    • His love is eternal, jealous, and beyond worth it.
  • Sunday am
    • Our main purpose-impact the world and populate heaven.
    • A witness gives a testimony for what they believe is true.
    • Acts 8:26-38
    • Look and pray for open doors. But watch out and get ready because God will answer.
    • a successful witness takes the initiative by the power of the Holy Spirit and leaves the rest up to God.
    • Isaiah 40:27-31
Basically, I learned a bunch straight from the heart of God. Some of the other things that weren't in the main message...
Kit spoke during women's time and gave us a chance to spread out and have some reflection time. I listed all the things preventing my restoration with God. Then wrote down everything that brings joy to my life. Sounds cheesy but it is such a release. Try it. I was so convicted about this one verse that I had to wonder, "Would I be able to say that my only identity is as a child of God?"
The chapel was decorated with posters that named pursuers of God. People such as Moses, Ruth, Paul Rahab, Caleb, Luke, Martha, David, Solomon, and the list goes on. But one poster had a big blank with (your name here). Wow.
We got to Skpe call the STINT team. The team put together a really cute video too. Makes me miss the campus and students so much. PTL that they are over there investing in eternity.God is doing big things.
Not really sure how to end this other than I really pray that my pursuit would be a moment by moment joy to serve my Creator.