Friday, June 09, 2006

last night in slo...

Something weird about getting ready to leave this place for a while. More so than last year at least. Probably because of my situation with the dorms and people. It was so sick of it and ready to leave. And just get away from everything. Most likely, it was the best thing I could do since I came back excited with high expectations. This year turned out differently than I had pictured in my brain. But God is funny like that. He really likes surprises.
I am so grateful to be out of school for the summer. Ce was killer. That test was so insane. And everyone in the silo for two and a half hours. Then the guy who farted. haha, oh man. There was lots of clapping. No joke. English should be pretty good. My paper ended up taking twice as long as I wanted it to but its over. Physics, blah. I have not tested very well, at all. He has been gracious with the curve though. Its sad that I would rely on it. And mate. Glad thats over with, especially with the debate. People can be so irritating. Its hard to work in a group where everyone has different objectives. It just splits the group and causes tension. Debating was one of the most stressful, nervous things I have done in a while. Its over and done with. Its not up to me anymore so I have just got to put it all behind me.
Last night. Feels really weird. Especially thinking that I am not coming back to cerro. We just moved in a few months ago, right? Feels like a week ago. Although I am excited about our house for next year. It is going to be insane. When we went out to dinner, it was strange thinking that I can't enjoy the coastal sunsets for a couple months. I should be honest and admit that sunsets aren't the only things I will miss about slo, mostly my friends. The people that I have gotten close to this year, the acquaintances that have become good friends, and all those people I want to get to know better.
And this summer. Where to begin... It is going to be amazing. I am really expecting the unexpected from God. I've hit this wall where I feel like I can't move forward, and I am too stubborn to look behind me. So, in a word, complacent. Even though that is so hard to admit. Picniking will most likely be one of the best things I will do in my life, but right now it seems so surreal. I have such a long way to go, in faith, relationships, everything. But I have this feeling that God will hit me with the truth while I am overseas. Not too hard but just enough.