Wednesday, June 14, 2006

buying cards

Its hard to put into words the thoughts that were running through my mind in Walmart of all places. I was picking out a Father's Day card for dad. And you know how they section the cards off into grandpa/dad/husband type of categories. Well, its sad that I no longer buy a card for grandpa. I mean I was at least picking out one for a while, and its been over a year now. Its just hard to comprehend the way that people come into your life, no matter the influence they have had, but simply because you are related by blood, you miss them. I hardly ever saw or even spoke to him, there is still an emptiness.
I truly love and appreciate my family, even though I enjoy living away from home. But I would be devastated to lose them. I just don't think I would be able to handle it. Maybe that's the hard part. Knowing that while I lost a grandfather, that meant someone lost their father or husband. Man, death is so hard to comprehend and accept. But then again, "Christians never say goodbye." -C.S. Lewis