Wednesday, May 17, 2006

To my future husband, I love...

...your heart for God
...your growing faith
...the way you share with me what God is teaching you
...when you read me verses out of the Bible
...your family
...your personality
...your hair
...the way you smile at me
...the way you make me smile
...your smile
...the way you rub my shoulders when I'm cold
...your eyes
...the way your eyes light up when you laugh
...your laugh
...your sense of humor
...the way you make me laugh
...the way you make anything fun
...your expressions
...the way you walk
...your body language
...the way you dress
...when you pray
...when you sing
...when you are consumed in worship
...the way you act around other guys
...the way you treat my friends
...the way you show respect to my parents you get along with my brother
...when you walk next to me and we brush shoulders
...the way you hold my gaze
...when you surprise me
...when you can reach things that I can't
...your dedication
...your cooking
...the way you help me clean up the kitchen
...your compliments
...your work ethic
...your abilities
...your gifts
...your dreams
...your smarts
...when you are serious
...when you show concern
...when we work cooperatively
...when you watch my reactions rather than the movie
...your handwriting
...when your name shows up on my cell phone
...your happiness
...the way you serve
...every moment we are together
...when you protect me
...your energy
...your thirst for adventure and wilderness we get to share an adventure