Monday, January 09, 2006

torn between two desires

Over break I applied for summer project to East Asia, New Orleans, New York, or Japan. I was really interested in going to East Asia after a couple Crusades when a student shared about his summer and one of the missionaries visited and after going to the summer projects dinner. At ej05 God just spoke to me about the plans I was refusing to give up regarding my summers, so I turned it over to Him. Lately, I've been thinking about going into ministry after I graduate, like as a Crusade intern. I would love to be in a full-time ministry position especially on a college campus. But then I would be giving up corporate America. I would also love to go to work every morning in a business suit, driving a Mini, living in a beautiful apartment, and researching new technology. That's why I went off to school for goodness sakes! I just hope I fall into the right job at the right time without giving up something that I love.