Saturday, January 14, 2006

its finally the weekend

I saw Glory Road tonight! In the Fremont! And we saw everyone at Firestone's right before. We ran into at least four friends and met new people too. The movie was really awesome, and I love those old theaters. Any kind of good basketball and inspriational material makes it an instant favorite for me. I couldn't believe the racism they went through just for playing a sport. Mankind can be so cruel. Anyways, the movie ends in a really feel good type of way. A few things I noticed...Don Haskins was actually in the movie as the gas station attendant, the actors really look like the original team members, and the angle of shot when White steps out-of-bounds is really great for people that see the details and for the sake of cinematography. Besides Glory Road, today was less than exciting. My lab was boring, my statics "pop quiz" that I put effort into studying for was a group quiz, and work was, well, work meaning coursepacks. I went to Staples to make a return and picked up a portfolio and tape dispenser and had to go grocery shopping since I ran out of oj. I ran errands with one of our neighbors which made it entertaining to say the least. Anyways, picking out a portfolio just reminded me how much I desire to get an internship and eventually full-time job as a professional engineer. But I trust that God will not misuse my love for corporate America. Another random thought...I am amazed by people with powerful eyes. You know the kind that just pull you in to their thoughts that seem to communicate without even speaking. Eyes are windows to the soul, right? yeah, powerful eyes.