Wednesday, April 05, 2006


wow. Crusade was amazing tonight. Recently, I've been thinking about the fact that I have really good, close friends new and old and then lots of new acquaintence-stage friends. But not thinking about the number of people. Concerned about the fact that I've never really opened up to ANYONE of them. No testimony, no life story. First off, I realize that I am definitely not the emotional type and do not express any kind of feeling in any form. Basically, that's me although its not always good. So I was kind of upset with myself for not letting anyone understand me and where I've been. This is the part where Crusade comes in.
"Go back to your home, and tell all that God has done for you."
Luke 8:39a
This was the main point of the message. So, we broke into small groups and shared. It felt incredible to just open up with complete strangers and at least have someone know my background.
Besides that, I am in such a better mood since the sun came out. I was getting depressed from all the rain and clouds. I mean the last time the sun was out was Saturday. And it stays sunny way late. Its awesome. Thank goodness for daylight savings.