Thursday, November 17, 2005

success is not forever, failure is not fatal???

So, this quote was on the top of our quiz today in engr 213. Profs just trying to be funny, but I beg to differ. I really disagree with this quote the more that I think about it. "Success is not forever" is quite true at least in the sense of earthly possessions and achievements. God's success will remain eternal. The part that really disturbs me especially in an engineering class where we are supposed to grasp the idea that our decisions can mean life or death for people who cross a bridge or live in a high-rise. I mean look at Apollo 13... the catch phrase for the movie was "failure is not an option." And if we are thinking in terms of NASA, the Challenger and Columbia space shuttles were fatal flights because of a failure. Anyways, I wanted to share my disappointment in the (attempted) humor.