Thursday, August 07, 2008


It wasn't that long ago that I took those pesky standardized tests: SAT, SAT II, and ACT. I remember the preparation, the early mornings, the anxiety, the exhaustion, and the waiting. So I have decided to do it all again! It hit me last night that I have about a month to study for the GRE. Not that I am stressed, just feeling a little crunched for time and lacking discipline. Really, I have no excuse; I should have plenty of time to study. I've heard mixed things about the test itself, SAT on steroids to nothing to worry about. Due to the ambitions of grad school, I am pretty sure its worth worrying about. Or praying and preparing for. Forget the worry part. The sad part is, just like the SATs, I'm having my dad drive me to the test site. My excuse - I will be too tired to drive back myself.