Friday, February 02, 2007

Why live life from dream to dream?

There are a billion things in this world I don't understand and can't explain. Pretty much at the top of my list are my own conflicting emotions. I can't really even explain it. Its all the strange thoughts floating around in my head. Thoughts that give me anxiety attacks, make start to break down for no decent reason, or just create a general feeling of tiredness. I can't perform as well, work as fast, or sleep as little. I no longer enjoy the things that usually bring me fulfillment and joy. I have become such an introvert, and seclusion that I haven't forced myself into for years. All I want to do is spend day and night sleeping. I suppose the easy answer would be to get over and push every weakness aside. Or the obvious answer, that God should be my only source of fulfillment and joy so my life and emptiness is simply a justification of something I've known all along just decide not to apply. Since, none of this makes any sense I should really get ahold of myself.
PS- I'm not even talking about anything drastic. Well, besides another night of teary worries before drifting off to sleep.