Wednesday, September 27, 2006

spread too thin

Its the first week, and I already feel like I am handling too much. Lets make this short and sweet:
  • This weekend I felt naked without a lanyard nametag.
  • I really want to carry around a clipboard on campus. They are super handy. Must be some sort of power trip.
  • I already said that this would be my last WOW but am thinking it might be hard to keep myself away from it.
  • Leading a Bible study is actually requiring alot of sacrifice of time and especially the things I want to do.
  • Plus, the responsibility. There is alot of pressure to be this role model who has everything together-even though that is far from the truth since everyone no matter what stage of life they are at is still growing, learning, being developed. At least, to be this person who is not what I am.
  • Dont get me wrong. I am so excited about leading, about the girls, about the dorm, about the study, about my coleader. Its just alot to handle the first week. Trust me, everytime we have a good conversation with an interested girl I feel totally energized.
  • Work takes alot of time. 15 hours a week. And 12.5 of those in three days. The last few days, I leave for campus at 7 and dont get home until late. So all I do is come home to eat and sleep.
  • I forgot my cell phone this morning. Which really isnt a big deal since nobody usually calls, but I still feel disconnected from the outside world. Side note-when I got home, two voicemails. So much for my despair.
  • Finding a workout time is challenging. I would much rather come straight home than wear myself out in the pool. But I always feel much better afterwards so I guess its worth it.
  • My car is finally in the body shop, hopefully back in mint condition shortly. Who knows when I will actually see it again though. I got a call from the insurance people asking for a statement and told them to call back and they never did. Whatever, its not my problem.
  • Other stuff is bothering me too. But this isnt the place to mention it.