Tuesday, August 29, 2006

bargain night

Let's summarize life as of late...
Filing a claim stinks.
Wakeboarding is amazing fun. I got up on my first try! It helps that I snowboard. I think. A little sunburnt and very sore. Camping was different than I expected but awesome. Just need to keep in mind willingness and availability.
Got back Sunday noonish. Had a refreshing Jamba smoothie. Took a nap. Watched some Grey's Anatomy season 1 with housemate and friends. Surprisingly enjoyed it, minus the blood parts. The one I liked was about adult responsibility. How much it can stink beyond belief. And all the benefits. I agreed with most of her reasons. The only exception was about sleeping around. That comes with the responsibility of marriage and even then its not "around" anyways. It was just the fact that I've had to deal with new adult challenges like accidents and auto insurance and estimates and immense frustration.
Tonight, the Irvine staff came to hang out in slo for a couple days. We got grub at Firestone's, walked around downtown, saw Little Miss Sunshine. It is great-unexpected and hilarious and adorable and so relateable(is this even a word?).
Sprite and cinnamon raisin toast is not a good combination for a midnight snack.
I am almost afraid my musical tastes are growing too close to the hippie days of my father.
Getting ready for my cousin's wedding is taking too much effort, shopping, and money.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Why is that since I am small, quiet and quick to smile that people assume I am nice? I mean, its all well and good complementary-wise but something just seems wrong with the logic. I could be really really good at pretending. Seriously, its the quiet ones you have to watch out for. And the other problem I have with it is the meaning behind the word. Nice. Its just too weak sounding. As if I'm a pushover or spineless or unassuming or undemanding. The list goes on. I picture there being a big difference between being genuine, polite, selfless over nice.
Oh well, what can I say, its been a stressful day. I just need to focus my energy somewhere else.

its just a car

All I needed was orange juice, milk, and dishwasher soap. Then I get hit. lame. At least we have clean dishes now.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Newsflash: God doesn't change. I wish I could fully grasp that concept. That He is the same God of my life here as He was this summer in East Asia. Maybe that's why I've had so much to regret from the last two weeks. But it also happens to be a fact that God is still my Dad. That He still uses my life in His greater purpose. That He still works in awesome ways to bring people into His kingdom. That even in ridiculous circumstances He finds a way to protect His children.
I suppose now there should be an application part of this realization. But this is where I get stuck. I can't live the same way I did this summer. With only one responsibility. Its basically impossible. At the same time I can't live the same way I did before project either. And then comes the part about my fam(actual and project). Hopefully, ppd will get better from here.

Friday, August 11, 2006

driving again

The combination of:
stereo at 17
the Fray CD
windows down
after twilight
country roads at 55 mph
would almost be enough to get over ppd. Probably the only time that I would think to myself, "If I only had a convertible."