Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So last night I was feeling all proud of myself for my productivity. That personal counseling session must have worked. And not to mention how I actually understood my homework and got a good portion of it done. Needless to say it was another typical late bedtime. Then I slept through my alarm. So not only did I miss physics lecture but also showed up thirty minutes late to work. I figured the day was gonna go uphill from there but unfortunately discovered that somehow I had read the wrong article for mate and bombed the reading quiz. Multiple choice, one out of four. Oh well, its only the end of the quarter. right.
Although we did have an interesting discussion about microwaves. So how do they work? You see the typical answer is that a certain frequency is sent out that vibrates the dipoles moments creating energy that tranfers to heat. But why do metals spark in a microwave even though the actual walls of a microwave are made of metal? And which direction are the frequencies or waves sent out? And what about foods such as butter that have no water in them(and therefore no large amount of dipoles)? And then the question that I wonder about, if ceramics and glasses crack due to the heat of a stovetop or oven why is it safe to put them in the microwave since they still heat up? hmm. Maybe some things are better left unknown.