Friday, March 24, 2006

saying goodbye

Our team took one final trip to the French Quarter for breakfast. We were kinda running short on time so we stopped for bagels and tea. I guess its weird that I don't like cream cheese. Anyways, green tea was exactly what I needed. We drove by the creepy hotel again. Got gas, which was cheaper than what we pay at home, probably all those extra laws in California. M dropped us off at the airport before returning our sweet ride to the rental car place. J and K had a flight at noon so we hung out, played cards, jammed on the guitar until they had to leave.
I hung out with T and B and some other kids who weren't flying out until tomorrow morning. We got some good grub at O'Henrys. Burgers and fries with some Baskin Robbins afterward. yum. Driving around different parts of the city was interesting too. It was the rich, Southern area of town. All the houses look pristine with pillars. We drove by Xavier and Tulane Universities. Crazy to think about going to class in one huge building instead of outside on a campus. All the trees lining the streets were dripping with Mardi Gras beads. They looked like decorated Christmas trees but with bead ornaments instead.
We went to the National D Day Museum. Only for about an hour since my flight was in the middle of the day. The museum is great though. I could have spent a lot more time there and I'm not even the one obssessed with World War II. My bro is going to be so jealous. But it was laid out by floors. So you started off with the history, background, and buildup. Then our growing involvement and eventual declaration of war against the Axis powers. And the advantages of each side concerning the military, supplies, and location. The part I had to leave was the actual invasion. Bummer, but a good excuse to go back, I guess.