Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Monday was filled with lots of wandering thoughts that I wanted to get cleared up. It started off at work. I hole-punched and stitched over 600 California Agriculture Teacher's Directories. So, I was warned about the book stitcher being a huge staple gun with no safeties. I was being careful with the machinery (which doesn't scare me too much since I worked in a machine shop over the summer where I cut my finger to the bone with a drill bit, ouch, but I am still afraid of stitching my finger to a booklet) when I opened the next box and stabbed my thumb with a box cutter. I was mad at myself for being so clumsy even though it is practically healed now.
Class was pretty insignificant besides the fact I got an A on my bio quiz! At small group last night, we finally had a discussion about guys. It has taken us a few weeks of getting to know one another, but I could see this topic coming up. Everyone seemed to agree on the fact that they want to get married and raise a family. Of course, for now, they are all concentrating on an education and career to provide for themselves until that happens. On the other hand, there's me, who isn't even sure if she wants to settle down. I've always pictured myself living in a big city apartment working full time in an awesome position that challenges me daily. The only company I plan on having is a cat or two maybe a dog. Well, it must be for the best that I am not seeing a family in my version of the plan since it is actually God's divine plan, and He will place the right desires in my heart at the most appropriate time.