Friday, November 24, 2006


I wish I could marvel at my Creator the way baby kitty is enthralled by the melting of an ice cube in her water bowl.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

oh, kids

Too bad the love of my life is only 4 and thinks that I smell like chicken. And I admire the fashion sense of a 3 yr old.

Friday, November 03, 2006

ditzy day

Well, this day didn't go quite as planned.
I've been sick. But the Health Center takes 48 hours to give me any medicine for the strep that I am almost certain that I have. Whatever. Tuesday night aka Halloween I slept from 6-10, 12-8, and 11-1. And you still want to tell me its a cold? Right.
So, my day. Missed the bus. Late to set up SWE stuff at the Bonderson bldg. Walked from SWE office to Bonderson to Aero Hangar to Bonderson to SWE office.
Went to the Well. Realized the truth of something I knew all along. That distancing myself really would create beneficial results. Hindsight is 20/20. Walked all the way to the library to realize I forgot my $130 pchem book on the chair basket. Back to the spider bldg to go back to the library. I can't believe I forgot it. I had to walk in the middle of this other class and sneak up to the front row and run back out. So embarrassing.
Math dept office(an unsuccessful trip at that too) to bldg 41 to just get back to our dungeon.
Came back to campus and had to park on Slack and bike across campus. Its been a long day, and tomorrow should be interesting since I am not nearly as prepared as I should be.
The one thing I learned today at the Well was to spend time before the Lord before I tackle my day. So in a few hours, early this morning, I am dedicating a chunk of time to be still before I run around crazy styl. Again.